Ebony M. Williams

Born and raised in West Oakland, CA, Ebony M. Williams has worked extensively with LGBTQIA+ communities, various communities of color, individuals of low socioeconomic status, at-risk youth, and high-risk sexual offenders. She has a wide range of experiences including working for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation providing services to incarcerated male youth offenders, and has also worked internationally in New Zealand as the sole psychologist of a 21-bed inpatient unit where she incorporated NZ Maori practices and culture into the individual behavioral treatment plans of clients who were dually-diagnosed. Ebony is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at California State University, Sacramento.
Ebony has worked with many social justice/cultural competence-focused agencies in the past, but currently, she is Founder and CEO of Advanced Integrative Services, Inc., where their mission is to provide a comprehensive range of high-quality services via cultural competency training, technical assistance, and strategic planning to better prepare and equip AOD, mental and behavioral health service providers with culturally proficient and relevant interventions in California. She earned a B.A. in Exercise Science from UC Davis; two M.A. degrees in Sport Psychology and Clinical Psychology, respectively, as well as a Psy.D.; all three graduate degrees earned at John F. Kennedy University in Pleasant Hill, CA.