Ayana T. Hardaway

Ayana T. Hardaway, Ph.D. is a scholar practitioner in the field of Higher Education. Currently, Ayana is a Contracts Officer at Stanford University, Research Team Member with the College Success Research Collaborative (CSRC) at Temple University, a Visiting Scholar at the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Institute for Leadership, Equity, & Justice at Rutgers University, and an Adjunct Professor at Widener University.
With over 15 years of experience as an administrator, instructor, scholar, and practitioner, Ayana’s research agenda explores Black girls and women in P-20 educational and social contexts, critical qualitative methods, and college student development. Her dissertation study, “I’m Not Your Mammy: Unearthing the Racially Gendered Experiences of Undergraduate Black Women Resident Assistants at Predominantly White Institutions.” was awarded the Dr. Rita Wolotkiewicz Phi Delta Kappa Award by Temple University's College of Education for professional achievement and for advancing scholarship on equity issues in education.
She earned her Ph.D. in Urban Education from Temple University and she is a previous Asa G. Hilliard III and Barbara A. Sizemore Research Fellow. Her most recent work was highlighted in the Journal of Postsecondary Student Success, Urban Education Policy Annuals, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, and The HBCU Times.