R. Joseph Rodriguez

R. Joseph Rodriguez is Assistant Professor of Literacy and English Education in the Department of English at The University of Texas at El Paso. His interests are in culturally sustaining pedagogy and socially responsible biliteracies. His research on children’s and young adult literatures and literacy education has appeared in the following: Exploring Teachers in Fiction and Film: Saviors, Scapegoats and Schoolmarms (2016), Democracy and Decency: What Does Education Have to Do with It? (2016), Study & Scrutiny: Research in Young Adult Literature (2015),Generation BULLIED 2.0: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Our Most Vulnerable Students (2013), and English Journal (2011).
Joseph earned a Ph.D. (2001) in curriculum and instruction from the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education, a master’s degree (1999) in English from The University of Texas at Austin, and a bachelor’s degree (1997) in modern languages and literatures from Kenyon College. He has taught English and Spanish language arts at various levels in public schools, community colleges, and universities. Joseph is active in National Council of Teachers of English.
When Joseph is not reading, writing, and teaching, he enjoys cooking, hiking, kayaking, storytelling, and traveling. He and the love of his life are caregivers to cantankerous canines. His favorite news sources include, but are not limited to, BBC, The Christian Science Monitor, Latino USA, The Nation, NPR, The New York Times, The Onion, The Progressive, Rethinking Schools, Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, and The Sun. Catch him virtually on Twitter @escribescribe or via email: rjrodriguez6@utep.edu.