William Arce

William Arcé is an Assistant Professor at CSU Fresno State. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley, his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, and a Postdoctoral Fellowship from Bowdoin College. William’s scholarship and teaching cover two fields: 20th-century American literature and U.S. Latino/a literary histories. His research focuses on U.S. war literature and the national identities that were forged after WWII. He has various articles in scholarly journals and edited collections, including recent publications in Confluencia: Revista Hispanica de Cultura y Literatura, Latino Studies Journal, and the recent Transnational American Studies Series. His book project titled Soldado Raso: Nation, Masculinity and Community in Mexican American and Puerto Rican Literature of the Viet Nam War places U.S. Latino literature of the Vietnam War in conversation with current discussions regarding masculinity and national belonging. The manuscript is in its final stages. In addition to 20th-century American and Mexican American literatures, his other teaching interests include U.S. 20th-century American masculinities; southwestern literature and film; and theories of the novel. In 2014, the University of Michigan’s National Center for Institutional Diversity recognized William as a national Emerging Scholar. Currently, he is Fresno State’s Presidential nominee for ELEVATE.