Manpreet Kaur

Manpreet Kaur is an Assistant Professor of Management in the Department of Business Administration at Whittier College, which is a private liberal arts college in the county of Los Angeles, California. Before joining Whittier, she completed her M.B.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (UWM). She has also taught at UWM and California State University – Fullerton.
Manpreet's dissertation research focused on the issue of cross-cultural team diversity. In particular, it integrated diversity literature with a positive psychology perspective and examined how intrinsic psychological assets may influence the effects of relational demography and diversity in cross-cultural teams. She is broadly interested in workplace diversity, faultlines, culture, and interdisciplinary research. She has ten years of international industry experience as a Management and International Process Transitioning Area team leader. She is a certified Cultural Intelligence Facilitator.
Manpreet enjoys learning new skills, both professional and personal. She enjoys hiking, cooking, and painting with her daughters in her free time.