Leta Hooper

Leta Hooper is a native of Prince George’s County, Maryland. For 13 years, Leta served as an elementary school teacher for public and private schools in the United States as well as abroad in international American accredited schools. She is currently an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Early Childhood Education Program for the Teaching and Learning department at Coppin State University. She also serves as a higher education accreditation peer reviewer for National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC). Leta teaches undergraduate courses that focus on progressive and critical theories in teacher education, methods of science and social studies, and student teaching seminar for pre-service teachers enrolled in early childhood and elementary education. As a Black feminist educator, Leta’s pedagogy involves centering the voices and experiences of marginalized communities and highlighting how the intersecting power relations of race, gender, class, and sexuality impact learning communities. Leta’s research examines how institutional policies and practices impact Black pre-service, novice, and experienced educators’ pedagogical practice and trajectories for entering and sustaining in the teacher force. Leta obtained a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Tuskegee University. She also holds a master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education from Johns Hopkins University, and doctorate in Teacher Education and School Improvement from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her hobbies are traveling, listening to spoken word poetry, engaging in do it yourself projects, exercising, reading, and cooking.