Kimberly F. Monroe

Kimberly F. Monroe is a native of Southern Louisiana. She is currently an Assistant Professor of History and Africana Studies in the Global Affairs Department at Trinity Washington University. She developed the Africana Studies Minor at Trinity in 2020 and a concentration Africana Studies within the Global Affairs Department to begin Fall 2021. She is a professor of the African Diaspora, Modern Africa, African American History, Black Women's History and Women's Studies. She received her B.A. and M.A. from Grambling State University and Ph.D. in African Diaspora History and Women's Studies from Howard University. Before joining the faculty at Trinity, Monroe was a part-time lecturer at the University of the District of Columbia where she taught courses in the Humanities Division. Kimberly has made presentations and conducted research in Haiti, Ghana, Tanzania and most recently Senegal where she was hosted by the West African Research Center in Dakar. Her research interests include Africana Women Activism, Black Internationalism, Global Black Power, Pan-Africanism, The Black Arts Movement, and Hip-Hop in Africa. She currently serves on the advisory board for the forthcoming book, Black Freedom Struggles: An Africana Reader contracted by Kendall Hunt Publishing.