Jessie L. Adolph

Jessie L. Adolph is a PhD candidate at the University of Missouri-Columbia completing a dissertation on Fatherhood Narratives in Hip-Hop Lyricism. He received an MA in English from University of Missouri-Columbia in 2009 and BA in English with a minor in Africana Studies from Central Missouri State University in 2005. Prior to teaching at Lincoln University as an English Instructor, Jessie has served as a graduate instructor at University of Missouri, a community college instructor, and a high school teacher. The courses he has taught include Composition I and II, African American Literature, Contemporary Fiction, World Literature, and British Literature. Moreover, he taught writing instruction and lyrical analysis for the Minority Achievement Committee Scholars program, a public-school initiative geared towards preparing minority and underrepresented youth for the rigors of college life. Jessie is a McNair Scholar, Gus T. Ridgel Fellow, Thurgood Marshall Fellow, Award-winning College Outreach Programmer, Martin Luther King, Jr Leadership Award winner, and winner of the Kenneth Davis Folklore Award. He enjoys organizing and facilitating poetry reading events, hip-hop symposiums, black history programs, African American fatherhood programs, and writing conferences for academic and marginalized communities.