Jennifer McCarthy

Jennifer McCarthy has been an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Lincoln University since 2018. Jennifer’s research focuses on wild cat species in both Panama and Indonesia. She completed her dissertation in Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her dissertation research focused on elucidating the ecology and conservation of clouded leopards and other sympatric wild cat species in Sumatra, Indonesia. She has continued conducting research in Indonesia, and now also studies the ecology of wild cats in Central Panama. Jennifer is particularly interested in elucidating the ecology of little known species, and in working with governments and local communities to develop community-based conservation strategies. Jennifer is also passionate about increasing opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in field-based ecological research. She is a Research Affiliate with the Panthera Foundation, a commission member of the IUCN Cat specialist group, and a commission member of the IUCN Lagomorph Specialist Group.